Very effective service. I am really glad for our mutual cooperation.
Allocation of clients is quick. Up-to-date responses for therapeutic
processes. User-friendly website.
- Marina Claessens BPS Chartered Psychologist (Over 13 Years on
I appreciate everything you do and how it helps my practice.
- George Varvatsoulias BPS Chartered Psychologist (Over 12 Years on
I’m really pleased and appreciative of the good and innovative
work that’s happening at
- David Monks BACP Accredited Counsellor (Over 12 Years on
Your website produced a result far quicker than directories I use!
- Ian Tromp BACP Registered Counsellor (Over 16 Years on
Many thanks for your very professional and efficient service.
- Alex Dalziel UKCP Registered Psychotherapist (Over 12 Years on
It seems to be a very well run website and comes highly
recommended from a colleague
- Katrina Likhtman BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor (Over 17 Years on has been the single most reliable source of referrals
since I joined some time ago.
- Michael Friedrich BPS Chartered Psychologist (Over 13 Years on
Many thanks for your successful website. It has given me a
successful private practice.
- Dr. Birgitta Heiller UKCP Registered Psychotherapist (Over 13 Years on
I am very pleased with the amount of business I am getting via
you guys, and for the work you put into it.
- Frances Hornsby BACP Registered Counsellor (Over 17 Years on
BABCP/BACP/COSRT Accreditation, BPS Chartership (with HCPC Registration for Protected Titles) or BACP/BPC/HCPC/NCPS/UKCP Registration
Certificate/Diploma/Degree in one (or more) NICE recommended therapy for adults
Professional insurance, be clinically independent, in supervision and self-employed
Respond effectively to self-referrals who contact you via
We charge you 24% of the session rates you set and display for all sessions attended by self-referrals. Log-in to self-invoice and securely pay
We will guide you through the application and provide information in situ
Cancellation upon request
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